
In 2005, the Kentucky based hospitality company, Columbia-Sussex acquired Hilton Anchorage hotel. During the first round of union negotiations in 2008, it became obvious that this company had only one interest: to force the 160 Hilton workers to accept sub-standard working conditions that included wage freezes, dangerous workloads in Housekeeping and significant cuts in healthcare.

Several months into negotiations, the hotel successfully forced workers into accepting the last and final offer. Within weeks of Columbia-Sussex’s contract implementation, Hilton workers decide to start fighting back.

Hilton workers say BOYCOTT!

In May of 2009 an overwhelming majority of Hilton workers voted to place a boycott on their hotel.  They are asking potential guests not to eat, sleep, or meet at the Hilton until the boycott is over; and they have vowed that they will not call the boycott off until they can once again support themselves and their families under a fair contract.  During this difficult economic time, these workers have decided to take a short-term financial loss in order to maintain the Anchorage industry standard in the long-term.

Currently, workers and their supporters host frequent demonstrations outside their hotel as they continue to ask the public to not patronize their hotel until they have secured a fair union contract.   Support the Boycotts, click here!

Legal Action:

After investigating unfair labor practice charges filed by Local 878, the General Counsel’s Office of the National Labor Relations Board issued a complaint.  The Anchorage Hilton settled the case with the NLRB prior to a trial

OSHA Report Summary 2018-2022

OSHA 300 Logs (2018-2023) and OSHA 300A Annual Summaries (2018-2022)

Local 878 was provided OSHA 300 Logs and 300A Annual Summaries during a recent information request. The 300 Logs for the years 2018 to 2023 were provided. The 300As for the years 2018 to 2022 were provided.

After reviewing OSHA documents (300 Logs from 2018 to 2023 (February) and 300As 2018 to 2022):
• The most frequent nature of injury or illness was Cuts, lacerations followed by a tie between Sprains, strains, and tears and Bruises, contusions.
• The part of the body most affected was the lower back (lumbar sprain) followed by a tie between the shoulder and the foot.
• The most frequent event or exposure was Falls, slips, trips (stairs, liquid) and Struck by (knife, objects).
• The most frequent source of injury was glass, followed by water, furniture and fixtures, and carts.
• The total days away from work is 111 with the type of injury resulting in the most days away from work being Burns (heat) due to hot water for the job title Maintenance Technician (46 days away from work).
• The total days job restricted/transferred is 222 with the type of injury that had the most days of job restricted/transferred being back and wrist pain due to overexertion involving a cart for the job title Room Attendant (103).

Injury and Illness Incidence Rates

Private Industry, Alaska
When comparing the Hilton Anchorage Hotel’s incidence rates for 2018 to 2022 to injury incidence rates for private industry in the state of Alaska, the Hilton Anchorage Hotel’s incidence rates for each year were consistently greater than Alaska’s rate.

Injury and Illness Incidence Rates 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Private Industry, Alaska 2.4 3.6 2.1 3.6 3.6
Hilton Anchorage Hotel

Compared to Private Industry, Alaska











Injury and Illness Incidence Rates

Private Industry, US
When comparing the Hilton Anchorage Hotel’s incidence rates for 2018 to 2022 to injury incidence rates for all private industry in the U.S., the Hilton Anchorage Hotel’s incidence rates for each year were consistently greater than the national rate.

Injury and Illness Incidence Rates 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
U.S. Private Industry 4.4 4.5 3.3 4.0 4.0
Hilton Anchorage Hotel

Compared to U.S. Private Industry, All











Incidence rates can be used to show the relative level of injuries and illnesses.  The nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates for the Hilton Anchorage Hotel were calculated using the 300As for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 using the online Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) calculator. The incidence rate for 2022 was calculated by hand using the BLS formula because the federal data for 2022 is not available yet.
The 2022 incidence rate for the Hilton Anchorage Hotel was compared to 2021 Alaska incidence rate.
The 2022 incidence rate for the Hilton Anchorage Hotel was compared to 2021 federal incidence rate.




Support the boycotts.